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- Danish Artists

Danish Artists har til formål at forbinde danske kunstnere med kunstinteresserede.

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Det koster 365 kroner om året at have en profil på Danish Artists.


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Desire unbound
„Dynamic, emotional, expressive contemporary artwork“

Ea Bodin is a danish contemporary artist based in Germany.

She was born and grew up in the beautiful countryside of South-Sealand in Denmark. Even at an early age she started drawing and among other things she also worked with ceramics.

She studied Graphic Design in Denmark.

As a Dane she is inspired by various danish artists and their artistic philosophy. Her art shows significant strength, aesthetics and dynamism. However, she does not want to be stylistically defined – hence one also finds the quiet and mild 'tones' among her artworks. She has a deep desire to be constantly experimental and to remain open and creatively flexible in order to find new ways to express herself with her works of art.

She is fascinated by unusual color combinations, strokes, textures, forms and lines. Ea has a strong desire to make paintings with a certain depth and a certain amount of positive energy and that each painting or series of paintings are able to tell more stories within one story.

Not only does Ea work on different kinds of paper with different kinds of haptics, but also small and large canvases and wood in all shapes can be found among her range of artwork.

Personal statement
„Everything I paint is deeply connected to my soul. It can be a theme, a feeling or emotions from the past or a mood that is presently here right now. All painting happens intuitively. Only colors and materials are defined. When I start working on a painting I let my inner self and the material communicate. It gives me creative freedom to grow with the painting and embark on an endless deep journey, loving not to know where it takes me. When I paint I'm in my „Fifth Element“, I forget all about time and space and become one with my artwork layer by layer by layer…“